Material Editor

  • Avatar accepts a game object

  • If any materials are found in any object parented to the avatar, they will be displayed as a list

    • If the material in a material slot is changed, it will be changed in the avatar

  • The Highlight modes make the scripts look for characteristics before displaying the list

    • Off will get rid of the highlights

    • Active will dim down the materials present in objects not visible

    • Quest will dim down the materials that contain a shader that doesn’t start with “VRChat/Mobile”

    • VRM will dim down the materials that contain a shader that doesn’t start with “VRM”

Material Conversion

The material conversion toggle will show the material conversion options

  • Use the toolbar and dropdown to select a shader. It can be for VRChat mobile (Standard Lite, Toon) or VRM (MToon, MToon10)

  • The Selected Folder is where the materials created will be saved

  • When the button Create Materials is hit, the following will happen

    1. A copy of the avatar is instantiated, 1 meter to the left of the original

    2. A copy of the materials that weren’t already using the selected shader are created in the selected folder

    3. The copied material’s shaders are changed to the selected one

    4. The copied materials are set as the copied avatar’s materials

Notice that when converting materials the original avatar in unaffected

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