Avatar Setup
This tool helps speed up the initial process of getting a model prepared to start working on it
Avatar can accept a model directly from the assets folder, or find one in the scene
The scripts checks (and give an option to autofix) the following:
Rig type is set to humanoid
If Set model rig as human is hit, the animation type of the model’s rig will be set to Humanoid
Avatar is part of the scene (model is instantiated)
If Instantiate avatar is hit, the avatar will be instantiated in the scene (same as dragging and dropping the model from the assets folder to the hierarchy)
Avatar contains avatar descriptor
If Add avatar descriptor component is hit, an avatar descriptor will be added to the model instance
Avatar has an FX Layer
If Create FX Layer is hit, an animator controller with the inputted name will be created at the selected folder
Avatar has an Expression Menu
If Create Expression Menu is hit, an expressions menu asset with the inputted name will be created at the selected folder
Avatar has Expression Parameters
If Create Expression Parameters is hit, an expressions parameters asset with the inputted name will be created at the selected folder
Model doesn’t have Read/Write enabled
If Enable Read/Write is hit, the model’s Read/Write Enabled will be turned on.
Blendshape Normals are set to Calculate and Legacy Blendshape Normals are off. This is the same behavior that’s done in the VRChat SDK control panel
If Use Legacy Blendshape Normals is hit, the model’s Legacy Blendshape Normals will be turned on. This is the same behavior that’s done in the VRChat SDK control panel
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